Philanthropy and Charitable Trusts

Postscript360 receives no NHS funding. We rely solely on the generosity of people and charitable trusts.

The challenge

Over 3.9 million people in England alone have a dependence to benzodiazepines and other similar prescribed drugs, cited by PHE report in 2019, these figures have risen since the pandemic. PostScript360’s service delivery rose by 170% in 2020. Benzodiazepine dependence is second to alcohol in terms of the number of people who have a dependency.

Drug agencies do not understand prescription drug dependency and some mental health services exclude people if their problem is seen to be part of drug misuse. Many people end up in a revolving door scenario with multiple A&E visits and more mental health crisis hospital admissions.

Support and finding solutions

We need your support to reach our community, educate health professionals, support people right now, and then have a fast-track solution to limit the damage of prescription dependence. To do this we need to scale up our staff capacity, our communications, and our technology.

Our charity aims to be more sustainable in the future by offering our services to people who can afford to pay, to be included as a vital service within health care insurance, and increase our training for a fee. This will enable us to put the income back in to supporting those who are most vulnerable in our community and eventually for the charity to be less reliant on funders. Until then we urgently need the support of our friends for support.

To find out more about work and future have a chat over coffee and cake with our CEO. Please call 0117 966 3629.

“Thankfully Talk to Frank pointed me in the right direction, your team certainly knows everything there is to know about benzodiazepines and more. I am in safe hands now, thanks for all your help.”

Luke, Client

Would you like some help?

Please get in touch if you would like one of our team to contact you.